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Aser Yassin is located in the plot of Ahmed Khaled Saleh

The seventh episode of the series & quot; my heart and its key & quot;, a while ago, and the episode began with the appearance of & quot; Ismail & quot; Ahmed Khaled Saleh, as he puts a drug by Muhammad Ezzat & quot; Aser Yassin & quot; A girl brings him and photographed him.

& nbsp; A crisis in his work, to ask one of his friends to reiterate new devices and supplies, but it was not identical, which caused the confiscation of all his money and the company closed, and because of this he left his previous fiancée. She has details of her life, and how her family caused her to harm her in & nbsp; the beginning of her life because of her beauty, then her marriage to Asaad & LDQUO; Diab & rdquo;, as she revealed to him during the meeting her great happiness with their marriage even though it lasted for a few hours only. “قلبي ومفتاحه”، جاءت بعنوان "أنا وأنت وساعات السفر" With an attempt to find & ldquo; Aida Riyad & rdquo;, rapprochement from Shennawi & LDQUO; Ashraf Abdel Baqi & rdquo; & nbsp; after their marriage. The idea of ​​the & legal analyst after divorcing the wife 3 times, through the personality of Mohamed Ezzat, the 40 -year -old, and he did not marry, and meets Mayar who feels very attracted towards her, and Mayar is divorced three times from the happiest, the home of home appliances, and she wants not to return to him, but she is afraid to deprive her of her son, and she is looking for an analyst & quot; Provided that you choose it on its own, and the events develop when Mayar is exposed to the pride of marriage, which changes the course of his life unexpectedly.

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