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"My heart and key" The 12th episode .. Mai Ezz El -Din faces Diab with his marriage to her

witnessed & nbsp; My Heart Series and Satellite."AR-eg"> Beginning Episode 12, many teaser dramatic events, where Mayar & quot; Mai Ezz El Din & quot;"AR-SA"> Communication with Mohamed & quot; Aser Yassin & quot; Without a response from him, after he knew that she was divorced three times from the happiest & quot; Diab & quot; And she was looking for an analyst, and she thought she only wanted it for this reason."Ltr"> ."RTL"> and the events continued, and Mayar & quot; Mai Ezz El -Din & quot; Facing Asaad & quot; Diab & quot; With his marriage to Shorouk & quot; Jana Salah & quot; She has 3 years ago, before traveling to Africa to follow the gold mine that he bought, to decide to divorce sunrise and tell her that he loves her and that he wants to return together again ."RTL"> , as Mayar learned of the video, which was filmed by Ismail & quot; Ahmed Khaled Saleh & quot; Muhammad, with one of the girls when he was in his apartment and gave him an anesthetic, during her conversation with Alia & quot;"Ltr"> ."RTL"> in a related context discusses the series & LDQUO, my heart and its key & rdquo; The idea of ​​the & legal analyst after divorcing the wife 3 times, through the personality of Mohamed Ezzat, the 40 -year -old, and he did not marry, and meets with the woman who feels very attracted towards her, and Mayar is divorced three times from the happiest, the home of home appliances, and she wants not to return to him, but she is afraid to deprive her of her son, and she looks for an analyst, provided that she chooses herself, On the glory of marriage, which changes the course of his life unexpectedly .

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