
“The Right to National Identity and Culture”, the emblem of the Emirati Children’s Day 2025

The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood announced the slogan of the Emirati Children’s Day for this year, under the direction of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak “Mother of the Emirates”, President of the General Women’s Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Supreme President of the Family Development Corporation.

The Council revealed the slogan, which is “the right to national identity and culture”, stressing that this right is an essential aspect of the child’s growth and the formation of his identity, and this includes its ability to interact with its cultural heritage, participate in it and express it, including language, traditions, and arts, and based on the fact that recognition and care of this right contributes to enhancing the feeling of children with belonging and identity, which is essential to their well -being and their integrated development and development.

This year is characterized by the fact that the best participants will be announced about the right to national identity and culture, which includes seven categories, the permanent groups, which are “our celebration of them … a joy for them” and is granted to the party that organizes the most influential celebration and interacting with the day of the Emirati child, and the category of “Childhood Voice … Echo of the Media” for the best distinguished media content (television, journalist, or through social media) highlights the day of the Emirati child and transmits his message Effectively, the category of “their childhood adorns the Emirates” and gives the most innovative and beautiful decorations and reflects a comprehensive festive atmosphere that encourages community participation.

The categories related to this year’s slogan also include the “Gille narrates its history”, for the best “application, program, game, cartoon” to teach children the Emirati cultural heritage, “Emirati identity – the pride of our generations”, for the best program to promote the national identity of children, and “in Arabic we create” for the best initiative to enhance the Arabic language and establish it in children, and finally the category “bridges between generations – ancient heritage” for the best initiative “for the best initiative” It enhances communication between children and senior citizens to preserve the Emirati heritage.

The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood will announce the best participation in these seven groups.

The emblem of the Emirati Children’s Day aims to enhance the link between generations, by involving senior citizens and children in joint activities, and documenting and writing local practices in a simple and friendly manner for children, to ensure their immortalization of future generations, and to encourage reading in the Arabic language, to enhance the association of children in their motherland, in addition to supporting local and cognitive cultural exchange between different groups of society in a way that contributes to preserving the Emirati popular heritage that includes The example is not limited to poetry, wisdom, proverbs, heritage arts, analogy, warships, tweets and traditional industries, and everything that carries a long history of customs and traditions that distinguish the UAE.

Participants include activities and initiatives that extend throughout the current year, organized by the various institutions and entities from the government and private sectors in the state and all groups of society and residents.

The Council stressed that respecting the child’s right to identity and national culture is positively reflected in many aspects of his personality, including enhancing self -esteem and self -confidence; As children who are encouraged to explore and express their cultural heritage develop a sense of pride in their identity, it is translated into academic performance, better social interactions and stronger family ties.

The Council explained in the UAE Children’s Day Guide, which it launched through the council’s website, that the engagement in cultural traditions strengthens family ties and ensures the transfer of cultural knowledge through generations, and that improving social skills helps children to understand their own culture and appreciation for them, which develops sympathy and respect for others.

He pointed out that cultural awareness enhances the child with better social relationships, reduces prejudices and stereotypes, and enhances him with flexibility and ability to adapt, especially since the strong cultural basis helps children to face challenges and changes, and they have a wider global vision, because those who focus on their culture and see the cultures of others develop a more comprehensive and global perspective that enhances their academic success; Experiences have proven that schools that integrate cultural education in their curricula are witnessing an improvement in the participation and performance of their educational students..

The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood called on all ministries, federal and local authorities, NGOs, small and large private companies, municipalities, universities, schools, nurseries, media, individuals, communities residing in the state, and all activities of society, to participate in heritage activities and contribute to supporting the child’s right to national identity and culture, and in deepening the understanding of Emirati culture and consolidating its position, with preservation On the originality of traditions and customs that characterize Emirati society, and in enhancing the values ​​of openness and cultural communication.

The Council called for strengthening the extracurricular activities that celebrate the Emirati culture and heritage such as traditional music, dance, arts and handicrafts, and the availability of libraries and cultural centers for all children because it plays a pivotal role in providing resources and spaces for cultural education and participation.

He also called for supporting community programs that enhance cultural expression among children, provide informal educational opportunities and support a sense of societal and cultural pride, organize festivals and cultural events in which children participate in their cultural heritage and identify it, and create safe spaces that are easy to access to them; To participate in cultural activities and explore their cultural identities.

The Council stressed the importance of enhancing the content that reflects cultural and heritage diversity: through the media that plays an important role in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards cultural diversity, and encouraging children’s programs that educate and celebrate cultural traditions.

His Excellency Al -Reem Bint Abdullah Al -Falasi, Secretary -General of the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, said that the celebrations of the Emirati Child Day this year emphasize a very important aspect in the process of building his personality and forming his convictions and view of his community and surroundings, which is the cultural aspect that focuses on enhancing his association with his homeland and society and his pride in the values, customs and traditions that characterize it.

She added that the Emirati folklore with its rich and varied components, whether at the level of arts, customs or values, is an essential pillar All efforts to preserve it and transfer it to future generations.

Al -Falasi called on the relevant government agencies to contribute the active and participate in supporting and activating the right to culture and identity for the children of the Emirates, and to ensure that cultural rights are respectful, and to participate in promoting and deepening the feeling of pride and belonging to them, which supports their comprehensive growth and thus building generations of love for their homeland belonging to a sincere dust in its loyalty to his wise leadership, capable of carrying his flag and continuing his career in the Renaissance Development and crossing towards the future that its children aspire to.

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