Art and celebrities

Author Mohamed Nair: "Athens" It reviews the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on human life

The author Mohamed Nair expressed his happiness with the positive reactions he received about the series & quot & quot; indicating that the work deals with the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on the young generation, and Nair said in exclusive statements to & quot; Rosaloshus & quot; The idea of ​​the series arose while working on a story related to espionage and the extent of the impact of artificial intelligence on people, and the extent of the development of this effect in the end, and with the development of the idea, Nadine’s personality, which was embodied by the artist Reham Hajjaj, was formed, and appeared in the way that the audience sees on the screen. For the series, Nair said: & quot, Athens is the goddess of justice and truth, and I found that this name is appropriate because it reflects the idea of ​​work completely and what relates to artificial intelligence and the extent of the end. And to prove that we have advanced ideas and drama, and Egypt is still able to present strong and distinguished works from the rest of the Arab world & quot;

And about the audience’s analogy of Nadine’s role in the late journalist Sherine Abu Hakkleh, Nair said: & quot; Even if he is a man, he is exposed to the same analogy, Varie is that a journalist the size of Sherine Abu Aqla is an exceptional case and a symbol that cannot be forgotten, and I consider that Nadine’s personality is a gift to all journalists who were inadvertently marginalized because of the circumstances we live in, which became superficial, such as the idea of ​​trend & quot;. Saying: & quot; the Palestinian issue is greater than being presented in any dramatic work, whether it is intent or unintentionally, and I see that it is part of our sanctities, our identity and our lives, and I did not think that the work deals with the Palestinian issue itself, but I was looking to highlight the concept of justice and cruelty in wars during work, and of course Palestine is not just a dramatic issue, but it is a country that has been raped and we are still working to restore it, Movies & quot;

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