World News

Forest fires are out of control in Wesung Governorate, South Korea

Government officials said today, Tuesday, that it appears that the forest fires in the Weshong Governorate, South Korea, are out of control because of the unexpected strong winds and very dry weather.
The South Korean Yonhap News Agency reported that the fires affected by fires in Wesung, about 180 km southeast of Seoul, expanded by more than 4000 hectares during a night to reach 12699 hectares until Tuesday morning, despite the authorities’ efforts to put out fires.

According to the Korean forest sector, the rate of extinguishing fires in Wesung decreased from 60% yesterday evening Monday to 54% until nine in the morning local time today.
The unexpected strong winds and the very drought weather hindered the efforts to extinguish the fires, according to officials.

Ten fires

More than ten fires erupted during the weekend in South Korea, which came to thousands of hectares, killing four people, according to the Ministry of Security.
“The forest fires have been over 14694 hectares and the damage continues to rise,” said Agency Minister of Interior and Security, Ko Ki-Dong.
This total is the third largest forest fire in the history of South Korea.
The largest of these fires occurred in April 2000 on the eastern coast of the country and came to 23,916 hectares.

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