
Does fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water threaten our children’s intelligence? Scientific study answers

A recent scientific study, published by JAMA Pediatrics, showed that there is an inverse relationship between children’s exposure to high levels of fluoride, whether during pregnancy or in their early years, and their level of intelligence. The study, which included an analysis of 74 papers from different countries such as China, Canada, India, and Iran, monitored data on more than 20,000 children to provide a comprehensive view of this effect.

Worrying results

The study showed that drinking water is the main source of fluoride exposure, with a clear decline in children’s intelligence rates recorded when fluoride levels exceed 1.5 mg/L. Analyzes showed that a 1 mg/L increase in urine fluoride concentration leads to a decrease in IQ by 1.63 points.

The effect was more pronounced when exposed to high levels of fluoride, whether measured in drinking water or urine, while the inverse relationship remained even at concentration levels less than 4 mg/L, which increases the importance of reviewing health policies.

A call to re-evaluate the benefits and risks

These results suggest that current standards for recommended fluoride levels in drinking water should be reconsidered. Despite its proven benefits in reducing tooth decay, this study highlights its potential risks to children’s mental development. The study also recommended further future research to better understand the effect of fluoride on the brain during sensitive periods of development.

Balance between dental protection and mental health

This study reopens the debate over the use of fluoride in drinking water, calling on health authorities to balance the benefits and risks. It is necessary to take urgent steps to ensure that future generations are protected from any potential negative effects on their intelligence, without neglecting the health benefits of teeth.


With the escalation of controversy over the safety of fluoride, this study provides scientific evidence that may change the way the world deals with this essential substance in the prevention of tooth decay.

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