
Abu Dhabi Environment issues a decision regarding the assessment and management of risks resulting from soil pollution in the emirate

The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi issued a decision regarding the assessment and management of risks resulting from soil pollution in the emirate, which aims to regulate the procedures for assessing and managing risks related to soil pollution in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and clarifies the mechanism for taking corrective measures to ensure sound environmental management practices.

The decision was prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (16) of 2005 regarding the reorganization of the Authority and its amendments, which gives it the authority to issue regulations, systems and executive decisions of the law, in a way that ensures the fight against pollution and the preservation of the quality and safety of air, water, soil and natural resources, and their optimal exploitation to protect humans and the environment.

The Authority coordinated and cooperated with the relevant authorities in the emirate during the decision preparation stage and in accordance with the approved system for preparing legislation in the emirate.

The provisions of the decision apply to wildlife protected areas and unexploited sites in the emirate, in addition to polluted or polluted sites and soils that fall within the geographical scope of the environmental license issued by the Authority for the facility or project.

Assess the risks resulting from soil pollution

The decision specifies procedures for assessing the risks resulting from soil pollution in the targeted sites, in accordance with the environmental impact assessment studies and environmental studies required by the Authority from establishments and projects whose activities require obtaining an environmental license from the Authority.

The decision also specifies the procedures that must be taken to rehabilitate sites and soils exposed to pollution, in terms of preparing and implementing corrective plans and environmental management plans based on the results of initial and detailed assessments.

The Secretary-General of the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, Dr. Sheikha Salem Al Dhaheri, said that issuing the decision comes within the framework of developing the legislative system related to preserving the various elements of the environment in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including soil, which contributes to addressing the potential negative environmental impacts that could arise from development and industrial activities. Tourism and other activities, thus supporting the Authority’s efforts to preserve the environment and its various elements and sustain them for future generations.

She indicated that the Authority will implement the requirements of the decision in the emirate in coordination and cooperation with strategic partners, and based on systematic and organized procedures that will contribute to achieving the desired goals of this decision.

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