
The UAE condemns the burning of a vehicle belonging to the peacekeeping force in Lebanon

The UAE strongly condemned the incident of burning a vehicle belonging to the peacekeeping forces (UNIFIL) near Beirut Airport, which resulted in the injury of a member of the international force..

Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, affirmed the UAE’s strong condemnation of assaulting the international forces, stressing that targeting the peace forces is a violation of the principles of international law and the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

It also emphasized the UAE standing and its firm support for Lebanon, its sovereignty and the unity of its lands, and its support for the important role played by the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon.

It expressed the solidarity of the UAE with the countries participating in the “UNIFIL” forces, and its wishes for a speedy recovery of the injured.

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