Gulf News

المملكة: King Abdullah Medical City .. Save an exclusive life from a sharp heart attack

A medical team specialized at the Heart Health Center in King Abdullah Medical City in the Holy Capital, a member of the Makkah Al -Mukarramah Health Gathering, was able to save the life of a 57 -year -old Moroccan pilgrim, after suffering a severe heart attack that almost claimed its life, after receiving it emergency through the Specialist Hospital.
The Makkah Al -Mukarramah Health Gathering explained that the pilgrim felt severe pain in the chest while performing the Umrah rituals, and was subsequently transferred to Al -Nour Specialist Hospital, and her condition was diagnosed with a critical heart attack that calls for an immediate specialized intervention.

Coronary artery blockage

The assembly indicated that, with rapid coordination between the assembly hospitals, it was transferred to King Abdullah Medical City, and the medical teams in the heart center began their emergency procedures.

The tests showed a severe blockage in the left front coronary artery, to immediately make a therapeutic cardiac catheter that culminated in success, which contributed to the stability of the patient’s condition and save her life in a timely manner.

Coordination and response speed

The Health Assembly emphasized that the integration of services between health gathering facilities, and the speed of coordination and response, contributed directly to saving the patient’s life, and embodying the readiness of the health system to receive critical cases from the guests of Rahman, within the advanced medical care system, based on efficiency and specialization.
This case is one of the models that embody the city’s efforts in providing specialized heart care, as part of its message in the service of the guests of Rahman and the provision of the finest levels of medical care around the clock.

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