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Etihad Airways eliminates flights and turns after the closure of London Heathrow Airport

Etihad Airways announced the cancellation of the following flights to and from London, today, Friday, March 21st, after the closure of the LHRO airport (LHR) due to an electrical interruption:

Ey63 from Abu Dhabi to Heathrow
Ey64 from Heathrow to Abu Dhabi
Ey65 from Abu Dhabi to Heathrow
Ey66 from Heathrow to Abu Dhabi

The Ey61 flight today from Abu Dhabi to London to Frankfurt Airport (FRA) was also transferred, and the Ey62 flight from London Heathrow (AUH) was postponed to another notice.

Guests traveling from or to London today are asked to check their flights through, and please make sure their contact details are correct by visiting the “reservation management” to get the latest updates.

The Federation works closely with the guests affected to inform them of the changes in their paths.
The safety of our guests and our airfares occupies the top of our priorities, and we regret any inconvenience as a result of these procedures.

London Heathrow Airport has been closed due to a major power outage, and the disturbances in Heathrow are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

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