The United States abandoned Europe is a strategic error

The United States is on the threshold of the most fundamental rethinking stage of its foreign policy since 1945, and it appears that the administration of President Donald Trump has the ability to reset the country’s strategic priorities at home and abroad. While there is a consensus in Washington on the need to give priority to China and the area of the Indian and calm surroundings in the United States’ strategy to move forward, the basics of the future of American relations with Europe have become for the first time in a century in discussion.
How did we get here? For a very long time, the Atlantic Ocean was seen as the cornerstone of American foreign policy, and as is the case in a relationship that lasted for decades, what seemed clear for a long time needed a new reformulation.
Historically, America’s commitment to Europe was related to the basics of political geography, and the United States is a marine force with distinction, and it is located in the hemisphere separated from the primary ground bloc in the ocean, and since the early twentieth century it has become Muslim with it that reaching safe maritime roads across the Atlantic and in the case of national emergency and control It is in the national interest that does not accept reduction.
The ability to do so has guaranteed the security of the American homeland and half of the western globe, and the same destiny is the importance of the nation’s prosperity and economic growth.
Fixed political geography
While the importance of the Pacific Ocean has grown over the past three decades, Europe has remained the Gate of America to the two continents Asia and Europe, and the source of its basic alliances, and eventually the cradle of its national and cultural heritage.
It suffices to say that during the last two global conflicts, the United States fought a war to prevent one power from dominating Europe, and after the Second World War the United States remained in Europe to ensure that the Soviet Union, its former ally in World War II, was unable to achieve what German imperialism sought to achieve In the first half of the twentieth century.
As the British politician and academic Halford McKinnder noticed one day, it is the human being who begins, but nature controls, and despite the rise and decline in its countries in its absolute and relative power, whether Germany in the past, or China today, political geography remains constant. The fact that the United States could not allow hostile power to control the common resources of Europe is correct, and is still correct today.
The guarantee of Europe’s stay on a close alliance with America, while reducing Chinese influence on the continent, is the basis for the balance of public global powers in favor of the United States and democrats all over the world, whether economically or military. The most important thing is that the accelerating competition with China is specifically what makes the United States forced to ensure that its European allies are not drifted to the orbit of China.
Strategic alliance
It is not only related to the Great GDP of Europe, its resources from the workforce, and the technology that currently supports America and allows NATO to achieve American and European goals at an acceptable cost.
But the most important thing in the geical standpoint is that Europe is the strategic entry point that allows the United States to highlight its power in many main theaters, and without its alliance with Europe, the United States will return to its position in the other hemisphere that it occupied in the first years of its history, She moved from agriculture to the industrial economy, while expanding across the American continent.
There is a famous saying attributed to the Chief of Staff and Winston Churchill during World War II, General Himing Asmai, when he commented on the role that Great Britain played in that war, which says that continental Europe today has become a “American aircraft carrier that does not drown, but on the largest largest scale.” .
The United States has invested its resources and reputation on an unprecedented scale in Europe in the process of building the “deterrent” wall that kept the Soviet Union under control for half a century after the Second World War until the Communist Empire collapsed in the end, and the investment of American funds and American workforce was, and above all the commitment It is the American, who was expressed in unambiguous phrases, is the one who kept the Soviet Union under control.
The abandonment of this investment today would undermine not only NATO and with it the position of the United States in Europe, but also America’s position in various issues around the world, because the country that does not want to protect its vital investments cannot be expected to put its investments on “Crithus” in secondary and less important areas.
In simple, if America loses its credibility in Europe, it loses its credibility in the Pacific, the Middle East and other places.
American influence
So it is time to rethink the reasons why Europe today is important for the security of the United States to the extent that it was more than a century ago, and while it may seem intuitive for some people as China continues to expand its army quickly and widely, it must It has a priority in the future.
It is true that the allies in NATO are in urgent need of reinforcement, and the resources that Europe brings to its alliance with the United States, whether economic or military, is a doubling of power.
America’s combined power with European power not only enhances American influence in Indian and calm surroundings, but also contributes to regional stability in the main theaters. The United States maintains a firm presence in Europe will not hinder, but rather it will facilitate the ability of the United States to deter and defeat China if necessary, and to say that Europe is a central importance of American security that means recognition of the reality of the world today.
And America must remain in Europe, not a matter of habit but rather because of the interest of geical strategy and national security, and in simple terms America cannot deal with the challenges arising in Asia, the Middle East and other places at an acceptable cost unless Europe is a strong ally. About “Ninetin Forte Five”
Collective defense strategy
NATO helped avoid tremendous, human and economic costs, resulting in a widespread war by strengthening the security climate and the ability to predict. Indeed, Europe enjoyed an era of unprecedented peace and stability in its history in decades that followed World War II. A great deal of this success is due to the active NATO strategy in collective defense, which deter the potential aggressors and enhance cooperation between the countries that were looking at each other one day with doubt and hostility.
. Ensuring Europe’s stay on a close alliance with America, while reducing Chinese influence on the continent, is the basis for the balance of global powers.
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