
Approval of the executive regulations to organize the legal profession and legal consultations

The Council of Ministers has approved the executive regulations for organizing the legal professions and legal consultations, which aim to strengthen the judicial system in the state, develop state indicators related to the rule of law and enforce justice, in addition to achieving a successful justice based on the concepts of partnership and integration.

This regulation specifies the conditions and procedures for transferring the lawyer from the schedule of lawyers working before the courts of first instance and appellate to the schedule of lawyers working before the Federal Supreme Court.

The conditions of practical training for the trainee lawyer and the obligations of the lawyer supervising the training, and the regulations for the non -citizen lawyer to practice the legal profession in the state, conditions and procedures for researchers and legal advisors working in the registry, renewal, transportation and deletion from the registry, transfer their registration to the record of non -employees, regulations for deletion and re -enrollment of the researcher or legal advisor from the registry, and the powers of the legal advisor, conditions and procedures for registration in a record The delegates and its duration and the request to renew the registration in it, and the conditions for establishing a record of law offices and legal consultations, and the procedures for licensing, stopping, deleting and liquidating them, as well as controls for the university qualification equation.

The executive regulations also determine the rights and duties of lawyers and their relationship to the clients, the lawyer’s right to charge the fees, the controls of the court’s appreciation for the fees of the lawyer delegated in criminal cases, the procedures for collecting their value, controls for the lawyer’s announcement of himself and the means, and the permissibility of the lawyer to practice business according to specific conditions and controls.

The regulation stipulates that both the legal researcher, the legal advisor and the delegate must be committed, not to disclose a secret to which I am entrusted with, unless the space in it would prevent the commission of a crime that has a human life or his safety or would cause serious harm to money, or that is obligatory according to the laws in force in the state.

This list also determines the conditions for granting the temporary permission to the lawyer of other countries by pleading before the courts in the state.

Organizational regulations for professional companies for law and legal consultations

The Council of Ministers also adopted the organizational regulations of the professional companies for law and legal consulting that aims to enhance the legal environment in the country, organize the practice of legal professions and legal consultations, according to best practices through offices that take the form of a professional company for law or legal consulting, and the development of the legal and legal consulting sector and increasing its competitiveness.

The organizational regulation provides a comprehensive framework that defines the controls for the establishment and operation of professional companies for law and legal consultations, and determines the conditions and criteria required to grant licenses, control mechanisms, legal responsibilities for partners, lawyers and legal advisers, which ensures the sector’s commitment to the highest professional and transparent standards, and ensuring an integrated legal work environment that meets the market needs, and enhances the efficiency of the sector.

According to the rulings in these regulations, the lawyers and legal advisers are available to the establishment of professional companies individually or in partnership with international law firm, provided that these offices have been established at least 15 years, and that they have branches or companies in at least three countries, after obtaining the necessary approvals from the competent authorities.

The provisions of these regulations also aim to enable lawyers and legal legal advisers to establish and manage professional companies according to clear controls, providing greater opportunities for professional growth and development, as well as attracting global experiences by allowing partnerships with international legal offices and companies with extensive experience, which contributes to transferring knowledge and enhancing the quality of legal services in the country.

The list also supports the governance of professional companies and the development of a more flexible and sustainable legal business environment, by providing clear mechanisms for licensing, registration and supervision, and ensuring compliance with the requirements of governance and leading legal practices.

The regulations define the legal forms allowed for professional companies, which include solidarity companies, limited liability companies, and one person with limited liability.

Professional and legal standards

All partners are required to be licensed to practice the profession, in accordance with the provisions of the decree of a federal law No. (34) of 2022 regarding the regulation of the legal professions, legal consultations and executive regulations, in order to ensure commitment to professional and legal standards.

It is required for a professional license to be a lawyer for a lawyer or legal advisor who is restricted to the Ministry of Justice, and that the company’s establishment contract must be certified by the competent authorities, and to obtain professional insurance that covers responsibility for professional errors, to ensure the protection of customer rights and enhance confidence in the legal services provided.

Through the regulatory regulations, the government enhances the competitiveness of the law and legal consulting sector, and the UAE’s position establishes a regional and international center for advanced legal services, and the step also contributes to motivating international legal companies to invest in the country, and transfer global experiences to the local market, which enhances the quality of legal services provided, and supports the business and investment environment in the country.

The regulation is a pivotal step in enhancing transparency and governance in the legal and legal consulting sector, and raising the level of legal services available to individuals and companies, as it supports the state’s vision in developing a flexible legal business environment that attracts investments.

The Council of Ministers also approved the charter of the legal profession and legal consultations, which aims to support professional behavior and basic values ​​that lawyers and legal advisors must have, as it aims to provide the best services in a way that guarantees confidence and credibility in the behavior and ethics of the profession and to control and clarify the responsibility of lawyers and their agents and legal advisors in their practices of their profession, and enhance the regular protection of lawyers and legal advisors And for their customers and other parties with relevant.

The provisions of the charter apply to lawyers registered in the tables, legal advisers and researchers registered in the records allocated to each profession with the Ministry of Justice, and those who address his provisions are obligated during the performance of their work and duties with basic professional values, namely: honesty, honesty, impartiality, integrity and transparency, respect for the rights of others, preserving the reputation of the profession and respecting its customs, ethics, honor, honor, and righteousness And the application of the rules of governance and internal control, the development of work systems and its environment, work to prevent conflict of interests, develop effective frameworks to manage them, work in a manner that enhances confidence in the profession and its practice, and professional efficiency by making the necessary effort in performing business and tasks according to the best professional standards.

The Charter also provides for independence and integrity, adherence to the ethics and traditions of the profession, confidentiality and lack of disclosure, adherence to laws, regulations and regulations related to the practice of the profession, preserving the interests of customers, avoiding conflicts of interests, as well as general obligations to the lawyer or legal advisor, and obligations related to the attorneys ’relationship with the attorney, fees, fees, and funds His records, the relationship of the lawyer to the judicial authority, his relationship with his colleagues, the obligations of the counselor and legal researcher. The charter also included clauses of a state of professional dispute, the trained lawyer, the lawyer, legal advisor or legal researcher with the media and social media.

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